Lessons From Adopting Go at Qualtrics

Back in September 2017, I teamed up with a coworker to give a presentation for the Utah Golang User Group. We chose to share the lessons we had learned as we adopted and scaled Go as one of the core programming languages at Qualtrics. Our intended audience was companies and developers who were interested in... Continue Reading →

Breaking Down Abstractions: Database Indexes

In the introduction to this blog, I mentioned that I love breaking down abstractions to understand what makes them tick. This blog post is the first of many that will break down a fascinating abstraction. Abstraction Database indexes provide the abstraction of performant queries with the cost of some overhead during writes and additional storage... Continue Reading →

What This Blog is All About

"Backended"? There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things (Phil Karlton). Or, my favorite variant: There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off by one errors (Unknown) Naming is hard. Backended isn't a real word. "Back ended" and its hyphened form "back-ended"... Continue Reading →

Yet Another Software Blog

Welcome! This is the first post of my blog. If you’re reading this, you’re either arriving right on the ground floor or somehow I kept up with my goal to have an updated blog and you're reading an older post. Either way, I’ll consider you a founder. I hope that you can find value in... Continue Reading →

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